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Meet The Family

We are a crazy mix of characters. We are outgoing, we are goofy, we are shy, and we are sometimes stubborn. But one thing we have in common is we are all hard working and creative thinkers, who have a thirst for learning and a strong will to continuously improve ourselves.
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Managem- ent

The leadership team sets the foundation for the overall direction of Pippeline. They are also the driving force behind the culture that we have created at Pippeline. Their main objectives are to coach, motivate and inspire each department to achieve both company and personal goals. They also provide wisdom and technical expertise that has accumulated through their total years of experience.

Finan ce

Finance Team
The finance team handles all things finance and accounting. This includes operational functions such as invoicing, accounts payable and budgeting. The team is also responsible for the long term financial strategic planning of the company. They have ensured outstanding financial growth and performance over Pippeline’s decade long journey.

Reso- urce

Human Resource Team
From the moment a new talent is recruited and hired, the human resource team ensures that they are provided the resources they need to not only excel in their positions, but to maximize their overall satisfaction and experience working at Pippeline. The team also manages operational functions such as recruiting, payroll, company policies, and HR legal compliance.


People Development Team
Through on-boarding and training programs, the people development team ensures new employees are integrated into Pippeline as effectively and efficiently as possible. The team ensures everyone gets up to speed about the company structure, our values, and our overall culture, while also providing guidance as they set forth on their journey with Pippeline.

Image Edit ing

Image Editing Team
The image editing team is the team that our clients rely on to deliver them beautifully edited images. Through their creative editing skills and technical expertise in the industry, Pippeline has been able to create an organization most of the top companies in the industry can trust.

Video Edit ing

Video Editing Team
The Video Editing team brings creative things to life. The team uses their skills to create a large range of videos from product showcasing to awe-inspiring creative informational videos.

Faci lity

Facility Team
The Facility team ensures our offices stay well maintained to ensure our entire team comes to work in the most optimal environment. They handle all things facility including office safety, cleanliness & sanitation, electricity, and postal.


IT & Internal Systems Team
The IT & Internal Systems team ensures the backbone of our technology infrastructure is well maintained and stay on top of industry standards. This includes our internal networking, servers and technology product development.